Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Let them praise Him with dancing!

All the wonderful School of Dance ladies
Ballet class :)
2 Timothy 3:16 tells us that “All Scripture is God breathed and is important…”  That being said, there is not one word in the Bible that is there by accident, or that is not of value.  We recently did a project in our school to find all the original words for “dance” in their Hebrew and Greek forms in the Bible.  The word “dance” or a form of it is used at least twenty-seven times in the Bible.  It seems to me that God found the word and the action of dance important to include, not only once or twice…but at least twenty-seven times!  I think that sometimes the church can forget about the power of dance and the freedom that it can bring.  In the Bible we see both the negative and positive powers of dancing.  We see that as God was leading His people out of four hundred years of slavery in Egypt, the most accurate response they could have was to dance for joy.  And we know that the famous King David had no other way to worship the Lord fully but through reckless abandonment in his dancing.  We also see the negative things that dance can be used for, such as the persuasion of Herod to put John the Baptist to death through a dance of seduction and temptation.  But whether it is used for good or evil, there is no question that dance has power.  This is why it is so important for the church to stand up and use the gift of dance that the Lord has given for His kingdom and His glory.  In these last two months I have already seen the Lord do so much healing in my own life, as well as give me hope for the healing that He is going to bring to the nations through dance.  I have the privilege of dancing with seven beautiful girls from all walks of life.  We have all seen our share of joy and sorrow in life, but one thing remains true for all of us- we have all seen God minister in and through us by the gift of dance.  God has restored my love and joy for dancing, and I have been able to have such an incredible time enjoying His presence.  Dance is probably the strongest way that I can connect and speak to God.  When I have no more words to express what I am going through, I know that I can simply pour out my heart to Him through the motions and movements that He has given me.  Dance is this joy and strength that I desire to take back to the nations.  Our school has an amazing opportunity to go to London and Scotland this summer.  We will be using dance as a way to connect with people that do not know the Lord.  We are going to use this art to speak directly to people’s hearts about the love that God has for them in a way that words cannot always do.  Dance breaks down walls and can penetrate into lives in such a strong force, and I can’t wait to see how God is going to use it this summer, as well as in the rest of my life! 

apparently dancers kick pinatas...